Jiuzhai Valley National Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be supporting UNEP World Environment Day on June 5th. The theme of this year’s World Environment Day – “Your planet needs you” – is meant to inspire all of us to do our part.
Jiuzhai Valley’s environment is fragile and everyone; local people, staff and guests, are required to play their role in ensuring its conservation for future generations. As always, all visitors are required to refrain from smoking, not to stray from the walkways, to care for plants and animals and ensure litter is appropriately disposed of. To see the full list of Jiuzhai Valley’s “Do’s and Dont’s” click here.
Protecting the environment is not exclusive to national parks, we can all reduce our impact on the environment in our homes and work places. Although individual decisions may seem small, when billions of people across the world join forces in a common purpose we can make a tremendous difference.
Jiuzhai Valley welcomes all visitors to take part in the World Environment Day activities on June 5th. Look out for special displays and activities on the day.
For more information on World Environment Day, see http://www.unep.org/wed/2009/english/.
"The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard."
- Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day