To cememorate the devestating Sichuan earthquake and those who lost their lives, Jiuzhai Valley will offer free entry to everybody on May 12th 2009. A ceremony will take place at the park entrance at 9am on the morning of the 12th of May that every body is invited to take part in.
Jiuzhai Valley tourism generates the vast majority of the income in the northern Aba Prefecture in Sichuan and this is an effort to encourage visitors to return, which is the best way to help those still suffering from the 2008 tragedy to get back on their feet. Although Jiuzhai Valley experienced no damage during the earthquake, tourism numbers have been drastically reduced. 2008 was over 75% down on 2007. This had a severe knock on economic affect on the people of Jiuzhai Valley and the people of the Aba Prefecture who benefit from the tourism industry.
This is a great time of year to visit Jiuzhai Valley and at the same time would be a great way to show your support for the Sichuan people.
We are looking forward to seeing you during 2009!
Wang Qiang,
Director, Tourism Planning Department.